Are you ready to make a lasting impact in an amazing city? Rise Church is on a mission to bring hope, inspiration, and love to the people of this incredible city. By giving to help launch Rise Church, you have the opportunity to be a part of something truly special. Your support will not only contribute to the establishment of a life giving place of worship but also help create a transformative space for individuals seeking spiritual growth and connection. Your generosity will empower us to provide community outreach initiatives, and support for those in need. Together, we can rise above challenges and build a church that will uplift, inspire, and transform lives. Join us in this exciting journey and be a catalyst for eternal change in Asheville!
Yes! Our online giving provider,, is certified with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) as a Level 1 Service Provider. You can rest easy knowing that your giving is completely secure.
If you give by ACH online, the maximum giving limit is $15,000 within a seven-day period. If you would like to give beyond that amount, please use an alternate form of payment, such as credit, debit, or check.
If you’re using a credit or debit card to give, use the card expiration date. You’ll receive an email reminder when you need to update your information. You can then select the frequency and the start and end dates of your giving.
We recognize that giving is a big step. It can be scary and intimidating. But we also believe that giving is an important part of spiritual growth, so we want to make it easy to try. Make a commitment to give your first here for 90 days, and if at the end of that time you haven’t seen God bless it, we’ll give it all back. Yep, we’re serious – we’ll give it all back. What do you have to lose?
If you would like to give by check, you can mail your gift to the address below. Please label your envelope with Attn: Giving, and put launch budge in the memo line on your check. Thank you for your generosity!
Rise Church
65 Merrimon Avenue #1285
Asheville, NC 28801
Meeting at:
Asheville Middle School
Beginning Sept 29th
211 S French Broad Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
Mailing Address
65 Merrimon Avenue # 1285
Asheville, NC 28801